A Freshly Rebranded Blog

So I’ve finally started to blog again. I’ve been wanting to do this for quite some time now, for over a year at least, but just never got round to it and I was struggling to find things to write about. I kept putting it off but now I feel like its finally time and that I’m ready to do this now. I said 2020 was going to be my year but then Coronavirus happened so I guess I’ll try again next near. But for now, I can focus on this. I’m working from home now and due to lock down I can’t go anywhere or see anyone, so what better time than now for me to start again? I finally have the time for it. As if it took a global pandemic for me to actually sit down and do it.

I’ve always considered myself a great writer and started my old blog a few years ago when I did a couple of reviews on skincare products and stuff because I thought it would just be an easy way to kick it off. Truth be told, I never really had a great interest for what I was writing about which is probably why I wrote about three posts and then stopped. I just didn’t take myself seriously enough and then lost interest because I wasn’t writing about things I really wanted to write about. I’ve really got a great passion for writing, cinema, and music and probably lots of other things too but they are the main things that stand out to me. So I thought you know what, why not combine all three and put it into my blog?

I had a tough year last year and certain things have knocked me and my confidence and that’s made me not want to write either. Then when I wanted to I kept finding that I just kept making excuses, saying, “yeah I’ll start my blog soon” “I’ll do it next week” “I’ll do it after I’ve done this”. I don’t want to be like that anymore. I feel like I have so much to say and so much I am really passionate about that I want to put into words on a platform for people to read so I can share it with other people too. For now, this is just a hobby but if I can orientate any future work around it that would be even better.

I’ve decided to re start my blog all together from scratch so I can really focus on what I want to write about and also to improve my writing skills. I struggle with anxiety a lot too (even more so now because of COVID-19 and the cabin fever is starting to get to me), so it helps me to get everything down on paper (or in this case online). Social media is the devil and I cant seem to get off my phone, ever, and I want to try and stop the habit. I do really enjoy writing and I find its a massive distraction that really helps me when I want to forget about any bad thoughts feelings or if I’m having a bad day I’ll plan in my head something I want to write because I can take all the negative energy and project it into something positive and actually make something productive out of it. Two birds one stone eh.

So in terms of things I’ll be posting, I really want to start reviewing again so I’ll review films, albums, EP’s and possibly do a few write ups on events I go to such as raves, gigs etc. I don’t want to say I’m only going to be posting those because its very specific and I know I already have ideas of posts in my head of things I want to write about, completely unrelated to those, or that don’t fit that structure. I’m just going to write about anything that I get an idea on. However given the new title of  this blog (yes I know its cringe but taking into considering I love techno and my name is Ruth I’d say its a good play on words), I do want to mainly try and focus on music related posts. That, and cinema are my two main loves in life. I’ve been brought up around both my whole life and they play such a big part of my life now that I owe enough credit to them to concentrate my writing solely on them. Given everything that’s going on in the world, I’m hoping I can provide a real morale boost for anyone who needs it, via these two topics, or anything else.

I hope you enjoyed reading this first post and I cant wait to share more with you.

Ruth xxx

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